Hutch Carpenter
Hutch is working with major companies on excelling their innovation and problem-solving capabilities through social and crowdsourcing principles. With each client he helps to develop a rigorous approach to assess, iteratively develop and implement the most promising ideas. And ultimately helps companies answer the question, “How can we find the best ideas for our strategic and operational challenges, and make them a reality?”
Hutch also runs his own personal blog at bhc3.com where he explores themes of innovation and collaboration.
Hutch's Posts
Diese 3 Fehler sollten Sie bei der Abfrage von Ideen vermeiden
Viele Unternehmen, die Innovationsprogramme für Mitarbeiter einführen, sehen sich unweigerlich mit Schwierigkeiten konfr...

"Jobs to Be Done"-Theorie: 3 Tests, die Ideen erfolgreich bestehen müssen
"Die Menschen wollen keine Bohrer, sie wollen Löcher in den Wänden." Theodore Levitt, Harvard Business School Professor ...